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What Kind Of Christmas Shopper Are You?

Are you smug and organised or a walking disaster? Take the quiz and find out.

christmasshopper Source: Flickr/churl

1. When did you start thinking of ideas for Christmas presents?
Right now. When you reminded me to.
I usually just get presents as I go along.

Over the past few weeks I've been trying to make a plan.
I keep an ear out all year round.
2. What are you getting your mam?
A funny tea towel. Mams like that kind of thing, right?
An expensive smelly candle she'll definitely love and a spa voucher. Time to treat her!

A foot spa. Standard mam gift, be grand.
3. Where are you doing your Christmas shopping?
The High Street. Gimme dem dealz.
All online. I don't like dealing with other people.

Anywhere that is open at 5pm on Christmas Eve.
A mix of online and local gift shops. Shop Irish!
4. It's 4pm on the Saturday before Christmas. What are you doing?
In the pub. There's loads of time left, sure.
In Boots, successfully prying the last luxury manicure set from another shopper's sticky paws.

Standing lost and sweating in the middle of a department store, praying for inspiration.
At home, in front of the fire, putting the finishing touches to my gift wrapping.
6. Which of these things are you most likely to say as you give someone their present?
"It's only small."
"I reeeeaaalllly hope you like this!"

*confident silence*
"Now, I have the receipt in case you don't like it..."
7. Have you ever been tempted to re-gift an unwanted present from a previous Christmas?
I've actually done it - but only when I was absolutely sure the recipient didn't give me said gift.
No, but now you mention it...

Oh god, no. Morto if they found out.
8. Now be honest - which gift wrapping most resembles your efforts?
Answer all the questions to see your result!
You scored out of !
You're almost too organised.
You've had it all done since November and have been sitting back enjoying everyone else's panic ever since. Smug, you? Yes. Definitely.
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You get sh*t done.
You are ruthless about getting it all done in time. Nobody will beat you to the last Snow Glow Elsa doll. Nobody.
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You're a stressed-out shopper.
From thinking up ideas, to crowds, to endless smiling sales people... You'd rather you didn't have to Christmas shop at all.
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You're a Last-Minute Larry.
You're the person pegging it around Marks & Spencer's on Christmas Eve, looking for something, ANYTHING to give to your mam. For shame.
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